A successful vacancy was found

I am an entrepreneur by heart, so I wante to create something of my own, influence processes and quickly see results. He wante to build his business and saw the IT field as the most interesting. That’s why I resigne from a large corporation and launche a start-up with my girlfriend – an online booking service for beauty salons. However, after the launch, we encountere difficulties: salon representatives were use to recording visitors in paper logs and were reluctant to share their free hours with us. The project had to be close.

Where I could take responsibility

About career growth at Genesis After a failure with a start-up, Mykhailo realize that he should gain more experience and starte looking for a job in an IT company. A in the then young GMEM (now Legit) project from the Genesis ecosystem. — I joine the team in 2014. At the time, GMEM had about seven people, and the team only worke on news projects in Africa Bahrain B2B List and Kazakhstan (now Legit is an innovative meia holding that develops meia in Nigeria, Kenya, Ghana, South Africa and the Philippines, as well as a YouTube channel for the UK, Canada and the USA — e.). It was a microcosm where everyone did everything. I joine the position of a junior marketing analyst, but there was no narrow area of ​​responsibility.

 B2B Email List

I was in an environment

I worke with advertising, monetization, analytics, and product. Mykhailo heade the mobile development department in the startup for two years. Later, the AERO Leads BetterMe application appeare among the GMEM products, around which a separate company was forme. Mykhailo starte working on this product and later rose to Chief Product Officer. From day one, I felt like. I had the freeom to come up with ideas, implement them quickly, and see results immeiately. Probably, it drove me. Another two years passe — and Mykhailo began to nurture the idea of ​​an application to improve sleep. She turne out to be promising.