A cat sitting in an old shoebox is

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Logos Websites Book Covers and More Yemen B2B List packaging is trendy but it’s nothing new. If your grandmother kept her sewing supplies in a cookie jar or you often drink from an old mustard jar you’ve seen and us reusable packaging.  an example of reusable packaging Your cat is sure to find a new use for your wrap. Illustrator: However while reusable packaging is as old as the packaging itself it has gain increasing attention in recent years as eco-conscious brands and consumers increasingly turn to sustainable packaging solutions focus on. Understanding Reusable Packaging On the surface reusable packaging is exactly what it sounds like: packaging that can be reus. But there’s more to it.

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As we mention in the introduction sometimes reusable packaging is simply packaging us to store something other than the original content. The example of the sewing kit in the cookie jar shows that the original manufacturer may never have AERO Leads intend their jars to be convenient storage for an entirely different product but when people ne a sturdy way to store them they turn to what they have. Own something hand. You probably did too How many times have you pick up a box because it was a good box Glass mustard jars can be turn into drinking glasses Image from German Taste Then comes packaging design to be reus. Brands can give new life to packaging by encouraging people to refill it with the same original product or to repurpose it for something.

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