The vitality of the video help to quickly

Then I shoot all the videos at once. After that, I eit the material, add sound and effects. I do everything myself on a smartphone, so I’m practically independent of a specific workplace,” says Yehor. Shorts According to YouTube’s platform policy, a channel must be monetize to receive Shorts Fund revenue. Mr. We launche Clabik in May 2022. At that time, there were no criteria for shorts monetization. The platform announce them only in January 2023. So the question arose — how do we monetize Shorts content? From the raw data, we only had the old criteria for long videos: 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours watche in the last 365 days.

Their emotions again and again

It is almost impossible to get 4000 hours from a video of 30-40 seconds. But these were the only criteria we could rely on. Therefore, they decide to play on Jordan Phone Number List YouTube’s field by its own rules. And they won. The first long video was publishe on the channel in July, and on the second of September we already achieve the results necessary for monetization. reach the mark of 4000 hours of views – the number of subscribers barely reache 1000, but the views in total were much more. Judging by the comments, not everyone like the content on the channel. And this became an additional boost of popularity. The reactio.

Phone Number List

Receiving negative comments under

The audience’s attitude towards Klabik’s content is always polar: either laughter, affection and admiration, or anger, indignation and cursing. Strong emotion motivates to express one’s opinion. So groups of both supporters and critics are forming AERO Leads on the channel quite quickly. These people regularly return to express. the video has advantages that are not obvious at first glance. Two of them are algorithmic and emotional. Algorithmically, the YouTube platform perceives the appearance of new comments positively. This is an additional argument for organic video promotion.

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