Know the university, preliminary negotiations and signing a memorandum of cooperation. Stage 1. Determination of points of contact where the practical expertise of the company’s specialists will complement the academic component of university programs. Academic year planning and course approval. Stage 2. Planning the discipline and preparing the program (studying the market, creating a plan, agreeing with lecturers). Stage 3. Help with methodical documentation for higher eucation institutions and students. Stage 4. Preparation of eucational and methodical materials (presentations for lectures, homework, laboratory tasks), agreement with university representatives.
The manager conducts in-depth research
Organisation of convenient communication formats between students, the teacher and the manager (creating chats, newsletters, roadmaps, setting up platforms — GitHub, GitLab, Classroom, etc.). Stage 6. Getting to know the students, establishing the “rules of the game”, writing instructions. Stage 7. Launching and conducting the Armenia Phone Number List course. Stage 8. Monitoring. Stage 9. Summing up and closing information. Stage 10. Retrospective and analysis of results. An expert lecturer from the company is involve in creating an actual program and preparing presentations. on universities and commercial courses. Since we have been running joint training programs since 2019, we can analyze previous experience and student questionnaires. With this study, the manager comes to the lecturer, and we finalize the program.
The manager’s task is to take care
The concept of the program can be validate with teachers and specialists of the university department. In recent years, classes have move online. Therefore, of recording the video and publishing it in the right sources, organizing the streaming, connecting AERO Leads the equipment, and, if necessary, eiting and correcting the sound. All students should receive links and accesses in a timely manner. The manager takes over all communication with students, answering numerous questions.