We tell you how to get closer to your customers and increase sales via Telegram. Today, Telegram is one of the most popular messengers among Russian users. After blocking foreign social networks, Telegram gained a new audience and increased popularity. Many companies, media, public figures and bloggers have transferred their main activity to this messenger. In this article, we tell you how companies can use all the features of Telegram to develop their business.
Telegram Audience
According to WeAreSocial data published in January 2024, Telegram is one of the most popular messengers among Russian take telegram advertising service users aged 16 to 64. In 2023, the founder of the messenger Pavel Durov published information on the official channel that the messenger’s audience had reached 700 million users worldwide. Every month, authors publish 243.9 million pieces of content. The number of men and women in the messenger is 39% women and 61% men, according to a 2021 TGStat study. It is also interesting to look at the topics of the channels that users are most often subscribed to.
How can this data be useful for business?
The messenger is gaining popularity year after year. The latest active surge in audience growth occurred against the background of the blocking of several foreign social networks in Russia. Today, presence in Telegram is an opportunity to get a new audience, reach and potential clients. Benefits of Telegram for Business Telegram is suitable for communication within the company, for customer support and for working with potential clients. Advantages of the messenger for companies: Simple interface Any company can create its own channel or launch a chatbot. It does not require the involvement of technical specialists.
No restrictions Companies can develop
Channels without restrictions on the number of subscribers or published content. Free and fast messenger If the Internet common mistakes in business emails connection is stable, the company will send and receive messages in a split second, even if there are a lot of these messages. Automation of Telegram makes it possible to create chatbots, which allows you to automate customer support and sales. File storage Users can exchange files up to 2 GB in size. All files are stored in dialogs and sorted into sections: photos, videos, files, links, voice messages. The messenger also makes it easy to search for messages in a dialog by a key phrase. Premium subscription In the paid version of the messenger, you can send files up to 4 GB, transcribe voice and video messages into text format, use video avatars to attract more attention, etc.
Telegram Ads The ability to set up ads within
The messenger and display them in mobile lead channels where the business’s target audience may be. It is also allowed to display ads in the channels of direct competitors. Advertising with bloggers (direct advertising) Today, Telegram has many channels with a large number of subscribers. A company can negotiate with the channel administrator and pay for advertising placement. Telegram will be useful for any business: IT, ecom, beauty salons and medical centers, advertising agencies, real estate and even industrial companies.