I don’t know where to start I will have to expose myself It is a financial investment I don’t know if my business will really benefit from creating a website. There are many reasons why you might not want to create a website. You are not a specialist in communication and digital technology and it seems like a complicated world to you. However, a website has truly become an essential communication tool . It allows you to present your activity, your offer, your approach and your expertise. With the creation of a website, your company gains credibility . You really exist! He will not only become the pillar of all your communication (your social networks and paper media will point to him), but also your best salesperson. With an attractive and personal visual identity, you will be able to stand out from your competitors. The goal is of course to keep the visitor on your site for as long as possible, to convert them into prospects and then into customers . Last but not least, you are the owner of your primary communication tool. So many advantages that should no longer make you hesitate to create your website. Nevertheless, let’s analyze the arguments that represent a brake and answer the objections.You have just launched your business, you would like to have a website. But you hesitate to contact an independent website creator. You say to yourself: Why not make my website by myself? After all, I only want to make a very simple showcase site. Couldn’t I do without this expense? It could also be a nice challenge to create it myself A new entrepreneur is very often tempted to make his site by himself. And it’s normal! He is told everywhere that creating his website has become child’s play. Something within everyone’s reach. Indeed, you could rely on YouTube tutorials, Facebook discussion communities, read books, listen to podcasts, etc. However, can you improvise as a web designer? Doesn’t creating a website go beyond creating pretty pages? Let’s look at this in more detail. Independent website creator Creating a website alone So you have decided to create your site yourself. Such a project is indeed very exciting. The beginnings, for some, can even be enthusiastic. But very quickly, things start to get complicated. You would like to make certain configurations, but you don’t know how to achieve them. It’s a bit technical. So you do research on the internet, you ask questions in FB groups, WordPress communities… But all this takes you a lot of time and you realize that the answers gleaned are ultimately not enough to achieve the desired result. Almost half of my clients tried to create their own website before coming to me.