Many SEO techniques are difficult to see. Identifying keywords, analyzing site visits and other technical strategies are important The visual design of your site can have a huge impact on the success of your business. More than 93% of buyers place visual appeal and colors above other factors when purchasing. The importance If customers don’t like the look of your site, they can simply leave and never return. While you probably won’t be designing your site yourself, you’ll still want a basic understanding of why SEO professionals may make certain design decisions. Most people tend to feel secure and confident. How about a place with a lot of red? That usually inspires feelings of energy and even urgency.
If you already have an established brand
More often than not, your current brand looks a certain way for a reason. You probably want to keep that look consistent for your online presence. This is especially true if businesses also have a Laos WhatsApp Number Data physical location (or more than one). The importance Imagine if you went to and were greeted by a black and green color scheme. You’d probably assume you were in the wrong place. At the same time, certain colors work well on the web to achieve certain purposes. You may want to make small adjustments to your existing design to increase traffic to your site. Don’t let your personal opinions cloud your judgment. Too many people want their site to look good for them. Truth be told, it is much more important that your site looks good to your customers.
So what colors work best for your site. Well, there is no right answer. But there is a wrong one. You never want to choose website colors just because you think they look cool. Instead, you want to use a little science and psychology. The importance First, you’ll need to consider your customer base. COLOR PREFERENCES BY GENDER Is your audience primarily one gender? Research suggests that men and women have different color preferences. Men prefer blue, but they don’t like brown or purple. On the other hand, women love Aero Leads purple and blue, but don’t like brown and orange. COLOR PREFERENCES BY AGE What about the age of your audience? Generally speaking, older people prefer blue while younger people like green. Younger people don’t like bright oranges and reds.