Between November and early February Thanks to advertising in Telegram Ads, we increas brand awareness among the audience of the messenger. Readers follow the news, subscrib to the newsletter. The number of visits to the site from Telegram has become more than from bann social networks. The first orders appear from Telegram. Some of the orders were track through private messages inside the messenger. The rest – by utm-tags, which mark each post in the channel. Through Yandex Metrica, we track the source of the transition to the site. statistics of transitions in telegram conclusions Bas on our experience, we realiz that.
With Various Services Sometimes
Telegram Ads is suitable for promoting a commodity business and increasing brand awareness. Here is the feback we receiv from Nude Story. promotion in telegram ads reviews To successfully Bulk SMS Lebanon promote your product in the messenger, you must first work on the content in the channel, study the rules of the site. If only selling posts are publish in the channel, but there is no benefit, there is a risk of not passing moderation. OneSpot Tip Articles about site rules can be found on our blog. At the same time, we always recommend looking into the rules of Telegram Ads.
Such Changes Are Important For
Our technical support specialists can check your channel or bot for compliance with all site rules even before payment. And if questions arise during the launch of advertising, colleagues Aero Leads will answer them in the chat on the site. To learn more Tips Tricks I still recommend trying Telegram Ads as early as possible. Take your place in the minds of the audience, your niche in Telegram, until the competition grows even more. Until now, there are many areas in which there is almost no competition compar to other sites. Such a situation, for example, in the niche of commodity business.