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Telegram does not like” when advertisers abuse the following tricks in the text: Advertisement: VtzqvHis emoji – the site allows only use per ad; a large number of punctuation marks – this list includes, for example, exclamation and question marks; line breaks and number lists – the text must be continuous, hyphenation is prohibit; extra spaces – even if you accidentally left two spaces in a row in the text, the creative may not pass moderation; upper case – words written in caps are consider too intrusive and ruce the attractiveness of the ad. The text from the example below will probably not pass moderation.

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Why an ad in Telegram may not pass moderation The full list of requirements can be found in the official Telegram guide in English. You will ne an itorial requirements item. An excess of general Bulk SMS Iran phrases and vague descriptions Telegram advertising should reflect where it leads users and what it promises. That is, the text must clearly indicate what benefits the audience can get if they go to the channel or bot. The wording of all creatives nes to be finaliz with this in mind, otherwise they may be reject. Moderators do not like vague texts for several reasons: the lack of benefit for the audience and the possibility of hiding something illegal behind vague words. The example would hardly pass moderation, because there is no clarity in the wording.

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Why an ad in Telegram may not pass moderation Obsessive repetition of words Telegram recommends writing correctly and using a wide range of words. Our advice: proofread your ad Aero Leads before submitting it for moderation so it doesn’t get reject. Even repeat words can lead to rejection. The messenger believes that in such a small text, such flaws can greatly ruce the attractiveness of advertising. The screenshot shows an example of bad advertising: Why an ad in Telegram may not pass moderation Such text may be reject for various reasons: the phrase Social networks” is repeat.

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