To ensure successful acceptance, do not and do not use judgmental grades. 5. Don’t Forget the “Magic” of Numbers magiya-zifr-v-sales.jpg The 99-kopeck Method Works Flawlessly Today, no one is surprise by the marketing trick with the absence of zeros in the price of the goods. Consumers understand that “4998 rubles” is a trick, but it continues to operate on a subconscious level. It is better to refrain from rounding, because “even” amounts cause more questions among buyers than interest. Another easy way to sell expensive goods is to indicate promotional and discount offers in monetary terms, not in percentage terms.
The feeling that they want to sell him dearly
Savings in “7600 rubles” looks much more attractive than “9%”. 6. Argue when selling products to multiple people We are talking about such purchases as a family car, residential apartments. In this case, use methods of persuasion that act not on one Slovenia B2B List person, but on a group of people. The advertising message should describe the object from all sides. For example, when choosing a car, men will first of all pay attention to technical characteristics, cross-country ability on difficult roads, spee and dynamics.
This applies to both pleading
Women are more likely to be convince by a decent level of safety, interior comfort and the amount of free space if buying a car is planne for trips with children. 7. Don’t resort to aggressive marketing prodat-expensive-product.jpg Aggressive Marketing AERO Leads Contravenes the Rules of Ethical Marketing The client should not have, just because he has money. The culture of polite advertising avoids extremes in all manifestations. requests and outright “pushing in”. The main sales tactic is delicacy, genuine attention to the nees of the client and respect for his personal boundaries.