Working with comments is important

It should look cool and be perfect. You should also not rush the test task. Often candidates try to do it as soon as possible and send it right away. But the next day, you look at your work differently and see a lot of points that nee to be worke on. A well-made test is a beacon for a recruiter and a potential manager that a person is really intereste and motivate. The first working days In product design, all tasks begin with a user story (User Story), that is, with studying the nees of the audience. If simplifie: studies have shown that the user lacks feature X to achieve Y. Basic answers to the questions “what to do?”, “for whom?”, “what will it do?” is the core of TK.

A new hard skill of the internship

Then it passes through various departments, becoming covere with “meat”. At the development stage, the TK is already describe very clearly and scrupulously, starting with how it should look and ending with the mechanics of how it will work. for a beginner. It Comoros B2B List is necessary to understand that they are criticizing not because they treat you badly or want to offend you, but because there are gaps in knowlege that should be fille.

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A month before the end

Moreover having your weaknesses pointe out is a great way to demonstrate your ability to learn. I perceive such moments as an opportunity to AERO Leads come in a week or two and show the results of work on myself. How to master The team in which I was interning, in addition to a graphic designer, also neee a motion designer. And I was offere to become one. It was very scary to start something new at that moment.

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