Sites can attract genealogy tourists and help them learn more about their family history. Here are some specific examples of how heritage sites have highlighted the genealogical. Stories of prominent individuals to attract visitors: the national civil war museum in harrisburg, pennsylvania, offers a variety of exhibits and. Displays that focus on the genealogical stories of civil war soldiers. These exhibits include artifacts, photographs, and documents. That help visitors to connect with their own family history. The harriet beecher stowe house in hartford, connecticut, offers. A variety of exhibits and displays that focus on the genealogical stories of stowe’s family and friends.
These exhibits help visitors to learn more
Life and work, as well as the people who influenced her. The monticello association in charlottesville, virginia, offers a variety of exhibits and displays that focus on. The genealogical stories of thomas jefferson and his family. These exhibits Motorcycle Owner Email List help visitors to learn more about jefferson’s life and work. As well as the people who were important to him. These are just a few examples of how heritage sites have highlighted. The genealogical stories of prominent individuals to attract visitors. By taking advantage of these stories, heritage sites can help people learn. More about their family history and connect with their ancestors.
In addition to the specific examples mentioned above
Some additional tips for how heritage sites can highlight. The genealogical stories of prominent individuals to attract visitors: do your research. Before you start highlighting the genealogical stories of prominent. Individuals, make sure you have a AERO Leads good understanding of their family history. This will help you to create exhibits and displays that are accurate and informative. Be authentic. When you are highlighting the genealogical stories of prominent individuals, it is important to be authentic. This means being honest about the information you present and not overselling. The connections between these individuals and your heritage site. Partner with local experts. There are many experienced genealogists who would. Be happy to volunteer their time of prominent individuals.