The team is working on new content

The most useful feeback we receive: children think completely differently, hold the phone differently, interact with it. When it is logical for adults to “tap”, the child wants to “swipe”. We recorde similar things in order to understand how to develop the product further. About difficulties and results Currently, the company’s flagship, Keiki World, is steadily occupying high positions in the market of children’s eucation applications in the USA and Europe. The product line also includes Keiki (an application with interactive cartoons), Keiki Puzzles (an application with three types of puzzles), Keiki Coloring(app for learning colors, shapes, numbers and letters.

As individual development plans

The point of view of business, Keiki is successful, despite the fact that the market of applications for children is very regulate, and we have many restrictions, in particular in marketing. Keiki and Keiki World regularly rank in the Top-10 Grossing New Caledonia B2B List Apps in their category in the US. We were overtaken only by market leaders — products that have existe for more than 5–10 years with a huge staff of specialists. Now we are on the way to becoming the first. Keiki did have a lot of challenges because there are restrictions in the children’s category – products like this are not allowe to use many analytical tools, they are often inspecte by regulators and so on.

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Community for parents and other plans

At the start I heard a lot from colleagues from other projects that parents are not yet ready to buy applications for children, that marketing does not AERO Leads work in this niche, and the like. But looking back, I’m glad About new content, At the moment, in Keiki World – games for learning mathematics, languages, as well for preschoolers. It will be a full-flege online platform for preparing children for school.

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