Have two parts financial. and If the brand is not want by consumers or no value in the eyes of consumers I can’t generate income. That brand may have to disappear from the market, so revenue is consider a part of creating brand value. That will indicate that the brand is successful with sales from the value generat in the eyes of the consumer. Building a strong value for consumers to remember can be built through various stages by using the Keller’s Brand Equity Model as an example. differentiation strategy It is another strategy that has begun to be widely us.
The first to do it
The word difference has many perspectives. But if there is Metal Coal Mining Email List a valuable difference it would be inevitable that the word innovation (Innovation) which if any company can bring innovation to use in various processes in the production of products or services. It will create an opportunity for an immiate competitive advantage. For products that are outstanding in presenting innovations that we often see It’s brands of mobile phones computers cars electrical appliances such as Apple BMW Samsung which apart from innovation there are many different types.
Services must be different
Let’s see from this article. MacBook BMWi LG Innovation AERO Leads can add value to a product or service. It is value for consumers that goes beyond price. Or it may be said that if the value meets the nes of consumers the price is consider secondary. Because consumers are willing to buy in exchange for the acquir value. The word innovation must have the following characteristics: Give importance to the nes of customers as the main (Customer Focus) regardless of any innovation that occurs if it is not bas on customer nes. Or help society and the environment better. would not be able to create true value.