Of the productWhich still featur major brand names such as the HP Laser Deskjet All-in-One, Merces Benz C Cabriolet. strength The name of the corporate brand enhances the cribility of the brand. Use a more economical budget to promote the corporate brand name with the product brand at the same time. Create a competitive advantage through multiple communication channels. every product will create awareness, image, value and create value for the corporate brand as well Easy to penetrate new markets because it is famous and reliable There is an opportunity to expand new brands. But the product must be really good.
Walmart Major brands only
Suitable for horizontal brand expansion Nursing Homes Email List more than vertical weakness If the reputation of the organization is not good enough will be an obstacle to the success of the new brand. and existing brands is not successful It may affect the image of the brand. There is an opportunity to expand the product. or new brands but may not be accept by the general public The more different types of brands there are. It may only make the brand more vulnerable. Corporate and product shar branding Virgin Galactic Source: newstalknewsvirgin-galactic-launches-its-first-spaceflight- It is popular that many brands use it.
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By using the main brand name in front of other brands AERO Leads or other products This promotes mutual brand awareness such as Virgin Galactic, Microsoft Windows. strength Major brands will support and build cribility The product will benefit from the value and image of the main brand as well. The budget for product launches is lower than the above method. Products can add value to major brands. weakness Major brand image may cause confusion in the product If any error occurs May negatively affect the main brand as well Endors branding Source.