Work finances, and trying to raise her kids without enough help and sleep. These are individual neurophysiological characteristics, but they arise in social contexts. Our capitalist societies create stress families, prison schools, and toxic workplaces. No wonder our brains are collapsing on an unprecent scale . ADD is a capitalist disease. ADD is the new schizophrenia I’m not the first person to say that. In his book Capitalist Realism , the late Mark Fisher wrote that ADHD was “a pathology of late capitalism, a consequence of being wir into circuits of entertainment and control hypermiat by consumer culture.” Gabor Maté is clear that ADD is not a pathology; it is a divergence of development.
He maintains that its main cause is not the hypermiat culture of our era; however, culture can and does fe and reinforce it. Fisher calls critical theorist Frrick Jameson’s “schizophrenic” metaphor typical of s postmodern culture. Jameson describ a culture in which we are constantly bombard by random images, a “series of pure presents in time, disconnect from each other”. He wrote that people with schizophrenia embodi the fragmentation of identity that experience of time creates: the inability to produce a coherent sense of self that connects past, present, and future. Other late th century thinkers had their own unorthodox theories on schizophrenia, notably the philosopher.
Gilles Deleuze and the psychoanalyst Felix Guattari in his book The Anti-Oipus . Fisher, a professor of higher ucation and a philosopher, not that the culture industry had advanc since Jameson’s writings of the s. Fisher wrote: “We are fac, in the classroom, with a generation that was cradl in that fast, ahistorical culture. and antimnemonic, a generation for which time always came cut into prigest digital micro-slices». For Fisher, the person with ADD, with his distract focus and “poor working memory,” was the updat symbol of.