This is simply because Magento is more advance to customize than WordPress. The average price for an online shop in WordPress generally ends up at around NOK 5,000 to 30,000. The equivalent in Magento typically costs around NOK 150,000. Magento and WordPress | SEO Did you know that SEO is not only about posts in social meia, Google Ads and blog posts with keywords? It is also possible to optimize your eCommerce site to attract organic traffic. Among other things, Magento allows you to choose a mobile-friendly design on your page, so that the page can be use from all platforms. Make sure that images and product descriptions are visible from both mobile and PC. You can also get XML sitemaps and ensure that duplicate content is remove.
It is also easy to tailor your own titles
Many of the above functions in Magento must be performe manually. In this sense, Magento is perhaps the most SEO-friendly for those of you who have some experience with search engine optimization. WordPress also gives you mobile-friendly solutions. and meta descriptions. In addition, you get the opportunity to download a number of SEO Poland Phone Number List extensions, so that you can further optimize your page. This suits both experience and inexperience users. Magento vs. WordPress | Safety Many people wonder which CMS system is the most secure of Magento and WordPress. of security. However, both platforms are very secure, thanks to years of improvements and security updates.
The company can share texts
Remember that you can also achieve extra security and a secure server by having a good web server solution. Feel free to go for a good hosting service that can provide help should your site have security holes. Magento vs. WordPress | Blogging Many AERO Leads companies want to have their own blog. This not only allows you to share interesting and eucational articles with your customers, but is also great for search engine optimization (SEO). On the blog, with relevant keywords, and achieve a better ranking in Google.