I am grateful to my great-grandmother for sharing her stories with me

I am grateful to my great-grandmother for sharing her stories with me

Her stories me to explore my family. History, and they me to connect with my polish heritage. I am proud to carry on her legacy, and I hope to pass on her stories to my own children one day. Here are some of the specific things that my great-grandmother’s stories me to do. Learn more about my family history. I doing research into my family’s roots, and I eventually poland to see where my great-grandmother had grown up. Visit heritage sites that were to my family’s history. I  the village where my great-grandmother was born, and I also. The synagogue where she had. Get in the polish-american community.

I a polish cultural organization and I

Attending polish-american events. Teach my children about their polish heritage. I share my great-grandmother’s stories with my children, and I teach them about polish culture and history. I am glad that I was by my great-grandmother’s stories to explore my family history and heritage. It has been a rewarding journey, and I Australia Physiotherapist Email Lists have a lot about myself and my family. I hope that my children will also be by my great-grandmother’s stories, and that they will continue to explore their family history and heritage. The emotions of heritage: standing at a site with family ties I have. Always been by my family history.

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When I was a child I would listen to my grandparents

Tell stories about their childhoods and their parents’ lives. I was by the things they had seen and done, and I to learn more about my own family’s past. As I got older, I  doing my own research into my family history. I AERO Leads libraries, archives, and genealogy websites.  I even to the countries where my ancestors. The more I  about my family history, the more I wanted to learn.  Was drawn to heritage sites that were to my ancestors. I wanted to see the places where they , and their families. I were like.

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