The presence of overtime does not depend

The presence of overtime does not depend

There is hardly a team in which a developer can single-handely. Make contradictory decisions with the argument: “I’m an artist, this is how I see it.” Every IT company has developers responsible for the code. And there are managers who are responsible for meeting the requirements of the customer (in outsourcing) or the user (in the product). If a developer in a product company wants more control over the process, there are many relate positions, such as Technical Product Manager. Or you can become a product manager . Also, this does not mean that developers are not listene to, but simply given tasks. Proactive specialists who take the initiative, argue and prove their opinion will always be heard.

Drawing up road maps team goals

Developers often see how to improve a process or product from the inside, and they always have the opportunity to suggest an idea during, say, a grooming or other team meeting. MYTH 5 There is a lot of overtime and uneven workload in food Hungary Phone Number List companies. on the type of company, but on the construction of processes. Usually there are more of them in startups – because the survival of the business depends on it. Also, overtime often happens in small service companies that are afraid of losing customers – even inadequate ones that change the concept at the last moment and ask to reo everything.

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If a manager drives a team

Each overtime is the use of a future resource. From a management perspective, this hurts the team, especially if they don’t understand the ultimate AERO Leads goal. just because he wants to, he will quickly lose it. In order to avoid overtime, large companies (both food and outsourcing) spend a lot of time planning for a quarter, an episode, a year,. MYTH 6 Most of the team is made up of non-technical specialists, so the developer has no one to share expertise with. Product companies are different.

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