The interviewers no longer pay so much attention

The interviewers no longer pay so much attention

Write a PHP function to sort an array of integers in ascending order using the bubble sort algorithm. 85. Write a PHP function to remove all duplicate values ​​from an array. 86. Create a PHP class that implements a queue data structure. 87. Write a PHP script that generates a random password with a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. 88. Write a PHP function to find the largest and smallest values ​​in an array of integers. Questions for Middle / Senior During the interview for the Middle and Senior gradesto the code, but to the architectural solutions and patterns use by the developer. Often both grades are aske the same questions, but the expectations for the answers are slightly lower.

This is important and says a lot

Candidates are carefully aske about their previous experience, clarify what problems they encountere and how they were solve, in which processes they worke, from whom the tasks came, what was the code refactoring process, etc.,” says Ilya Kozynets, Tech Lead Cyprus Phone Number List at Sendios. Questions to test hard skills refer to the general stack with which the company and the candidate work: frameworks, caching services (Reis, MemCashe), MySQL databases, queue brokers (RabbitMQ, etc.), as well as patterns, different methodologies, microservices, CI /CD, containerization.

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The candidate has an idea

Strong soft skills are one of the key differences between a senior and a middle class. For us, this is a higher priority than hard skills, so we ask a lot of AERO Leads questions about this part: the candidate’s attitude to work, the ability to prioritize and decompose tasks, the ability to generate ideas, the ability to communicate, – shares Ilya Kozynets. — For example, (process or technical) that, in his opinion, could qualitatively improve the work. He presente her to the team, but she was not hire. What are his next steps? Will he analyze the lack of communication or just give up? about the candidate.

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