Or you use the right keywords but your

Or you use the right keywords but your

you always take care of one construction site at a time. It’s important that you take care of the really urgent construction sites first – an experienced SEO will of course know better than a beginner what they are. Ranking factors An experienced SEO will identify the areas of a website that are most likely to increase rankings. He or she knows this through years of experience – there is no specific “hit list” from Google. Where the SEO (or you) sets priorities can vary greatly. We at Seocracy also have different SEOs, each of whom approaches things differently. Interestingly, it is often the case that many paths lead to the goal.

If you put a lot of effort into on-page technology

You can have just as much success with it as someone who has a strong focus on text and keywords. However, a good SEO always has an overview of all areas and optimizes what is most problematic. By the way, there are no real ranking factors because “the ranking” doesn’t really exist. Although many websites are often constantly in a certain position Belgium Phone Number Data and only rise or fall slowly over days, weeks and months – every single search query is recalculated by Google every time. That’s why to this day every search result shows how long the calculation took. It took 0.44 seconds to calculate the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). Our blog posts on the topic of on-page SEO for beginners I can’t possibly list all the measures that you should take into account in on-page SEO – there are a lot of them.

I wrote a book about it with Wiley

Phone Number Data

Publishing called Search Engine Optimization for Dummies , which has just been published in a new edition. If you don’t want to spend money on Brazil Phone Number List a book, then I recommend our free 5-day SEO course by email or these other blog posts: SEO checklist – 56 measures for your website 43 practical tips for your online shop How does SEO work? Video: What is Onpage SEO? Here you can find my explanation of the topic “What is Onpage SEO?” in a short video: Off-page SEO Off-page SEO refers to everything outside of your own website that can influence the ranking.

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