How can heritage sites create interactive and educational social media

How can heritage sites create interactive and educational social media

Genealogy tourism is a growing trend, as people. Become more interested in tracing their family history. Heritage sites can tap into this trend by creating interactive and educational social media contests or challenges. These contests can help to promote the site, educate visitors about its history, and. Encourage them to learn more about their own family history. Here are some tips for creating interactive and educational social. Media contests or challenges related to genealogy tourism: start with a clear goal. What do you hope to achieve with your contest or challenge. Do you want to promote the site.

Once you know your goal you can tailor

Make it interactive. People are more likely to engage with a contest or challenge that is interactive. This could involve asking visitors to share photos or videos of their family history research, or to complete a scavenger hunt at the site. Make it educational. The contest or challenge should also be educational. This could involve providing visitors with Communication Email List resources on genealogy research, or sharing stories about the site’s history. Promote the contest or challenge. Make sure to promote the contest or challenge on social media and other channels. This will help to attract participants and raise awareness of the site.

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Here are some examples of interactive and educational

Social media contests or challenges related to genealogy tourism: the on instagram. This challenge invites participants to share photos and videos of their family history research on instagram. The challenge is open to everyone, and the AERO Leads winners receive a prize from my heritage. The on twitter. This challenge invites participants to share photos and videos of their genealogy road trips on twitter. The challenge is open to everyone, and the winners receive a prize from ancestry. The on facebook. This challenge invites participants to complete a series of genealogy-related tasks and the winners receive a prize from familysearch.

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