This model is simple but may not

Last click attribution assigns credit to the last touchpoint that occurred before a conversion. This model is simple but can be biased, as it may not account for the influence of earlier touchpoints.

First Click Attribution

First click attribution assigns credit to the first touchpoint in the customer journey. This model can be useful for understanding the initial source of traffic but may not accurately reflect the impact of later touchpoints.

Linear Attribution

Linear attribution assigns equal credit to all VNPAY Database touchpoints in the customer journey.  reflect the relative importance of different touchpoints.

Time Decay Attribution

Time decay attribution assigns more credit to touchpoints that occurred closer to the conversion. This model assumes that recent touchpoints have a greater impact on the decision to convert.

U-Shaped Attribution



U-shaped attribution assigns credit to the  How often do you check your phone for missed calls or messages? first and last touchpoints, as well as to touchpoints that occurred in the middle of the customer journey. This model assumes that the initial and final touchpoints are particularly influential.

Custom Attribution

Custom attribution allows you to create your own attribution model based on your specific business needs and goals. This can be a more accurate and flexible approach, but it requires careful consideration and data analysis.

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