They also see that they have a higher number

It’s no secret that the delivery time in Norway is often somewhat longer than what e-commerce markets in other countries can offer. In addition, home delivery is rarely use, as this is often only offere at times that are not convenient for the consumer. Porterbuddy wants to do something about this. With Porterbuddy, the customer can decide for himself when they want the goods delivere for home delivery. This can either be on the same day or at a later time with a specific time window. Porterbuddy wants to set a new standard for same-day delivery, and make it even more attractive to shop online. Online stores that offer tailor-made solutions and efficient payment and shipping methods often have a higher conversion rate. of satisfie customers.

Porter buddy stands out from other delivery

Porterbuddy offers what they call customer-driven logistics, where you get the opportunity to offer an even more tailore customer journey. What is Porterbuddy? Porterbuddy is a delivery service that is mainly available for online shopping. Here, it is the Greece Phone Number List end customer who decides the time of delivery. The customer gets great control over the delivery, and can either set the desire time on the same day, or on a later occasion., so that the delivery is accurate and precise. services in many ways. First and foremost, it is the options and control over the delivery time that are appealing to the customer.

Phone Number List

The time window is short

They can also offer same-day delivery, which is common in other countries, but has not yet been fully integrate in Norway. Porterbuddy will now AERO Leads set the new standard for same-day delivery. Initially, Oslo, Akershus and Buskerud will be serve by Porterbuddy. Nevertheless, the company wants to expand its areas over time. Porterbuddy now reaches over 1.2 million consumers in Eastern Norway, and it probably won’t take long before this innovative service becomes available to more people.

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