The main secret of all public speakers

The department helpe me close most of the bureaucratic and organizational issues with information, scheules, and approval. My tasks were to come, give a lecture, answer questions, test my knowlege and take an exam at the end of the semester. Since 2019, the Genesis eucation team has been helping with course management.: the moment you start preparing the material, it seems to you that you are a complete zero in this topic. Then you look for information, read, understand more deeply.: to improve my knowlege in what I love. It was a win-win for me: I teach and learn at the same time myself.

This was my motivation

The course I took was specialize with a specific focus on iOS. Until the 3rd-4th year, students usually chose specializations (backend / frontend / gameev), so those who were intereste in mobile development in particular were not so many – up to 30%. I suggeste that Algeria Phone Number List students join project groups and create mobile applications in a team, where everyone did their part of the work. At the end of the course, they defende their projects. During the entire time, I counte out about three to five people because they were not doing anything.

Phone Number List

Predict future steps and be able

When you don’t go all semester, you don’t hand in any work, and then you come to the second retake of the exam and ask if you can do something in time, without having prepare anything, the answer is: “No, sorry, you can’t.” One of the most important skills AERO Leads of a developer is to quickly find information. You can’t know everything, but you nee to have a general idea, to look for answers. This is what I teach students. With the beginning of the quarantine, training has move online. At the same time, the Promova project began to grow rapidly, and the workload increase significantly.

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