REG.RU — 17 years! We share dry statistics and live facts that you may not have known

Yesterday REG.RU turn 17! But Monday is a hard day, so we decid not to bother you and publish this article today

17 years of innovation and care for you. That’s how many years ago REG.RU register its first domain — .OKTU.RU. And that’s how many years we’ve been improving our services and opening new ones. For our birthday, we decid to praise ourselves a little (and when, if not now?), collect statistics and remember our achievements.

Numbers and facts

REG.RU ranks first in domain name registration in the .RU and .РФ zones — the company services 44% of .RU domains and 41% of .РФ addresses. We have maintain our leadership for many years.

Data from the service
We are also among the top 20 providers for new gTLD registration and occupy first place in the same ranking, but among Russian companies.

In total, REG.RU services 3.3 million domains – this is 73 times more than in the first year of operation. Then, in 2006, there were only 46 thousand names.

Every day, about 2,400 new domain names are “born” in REG.RU. 3.7 million clients trust us. Over 17 years, REG.RU has provid 59 million services!

Server infrastructure

REG.RU hosts ⅕ of all sites in the .RU zone, so the company is developing its server infrastructure. Our data centers have 366 server racks for your projects. The volume of power suppli to the data center is 2.8 MW.

In the year of the company’s seventeenth anniversary, third-generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors became available when ordering Dicat servers at REG.RU, and we also launch a private and hybrid cloud .

Launch new services and services

Express domain registration, new templates for REG.Site, REG.Solutions — we improve our services every year to make them convenient for you. And here are just a few new services:Shortly before its birthday, the company began promoting a new direction — REG.Solutions. This is a comprehensive solution with a set of tools, which includes:

Professionals listed in our mobile phone number data include all C-level executives. This mobile phone number data executive mobile phone list is best suited for all types of marketing campaigns be it business marketing, direct marketing indonesia phone number data or telemarketing. The database strictly complies with all global regulatory laws and can help you run channelized marketing campaigns seamlessly anywhere in the world.

Dozens of startups and projects are already working on the REG.Solutions platform . It is most often chosen for websites of hotels, restaurants, online stores, private mical organizations, online schools and beauty salons.

phone number data

Launch the service “Mail on the domain

Now it is convenient to manage your domain, hosting and mail in one place — your personal account. With mail from REG.RU you can independently create white and black lists, manage mailboxes and users in ISPmanager and not worry about security — the service includes spam protection from Kaspersky. Unlimit number of mailboxes and from 10 to 80 GB of disk space.

Podcast “640 kilobytes

In the podcast, experts and REG.RU employees share their knowlge about IT, trends and how they are important for business. There have already been 9 episodes of the podcast, so if you haven’t heard about it yet, it’s time to get acquaint.

For fun
On the eve of the company’s 17th anniversary, we took part in the digital flash mob #neurobrand, the essence of which is to present the REG.RU morisaki tomomi: the multifaceted ldol captivating audiences worldwide brand in human form using neural networks. This is how the character Regina appear. Sensitive, bright, smart, responsive… and already so grown up!

Regina – neurobrand REG.RU

Dream Team
REG.RU is 450+ people who are passionate about their work: engineers, programmers, managers, technical support staff, authors, SMM specialists. By the way, if you also love what you do and want to become part of the big bright REG.RU team, you can join .

We are happy to help people and give them the opportunity to create, discover new horizons and build their own business. You are our greatest asset. Thank you for being with us!

Current promotions

Acquiring. In order for your customers to pay for purchases on the site, you will ne to connect an online cash register and payment system.

The site nes technical maintenance. You will ne a site administrator who will make sure it works 24/7.

A website is a universal solution for business. Your own online store inspires trust and strengthens the brand.

The high cost and complexity of website phone number qa development is already a myth. There are ready-made solutions on the market that will suit any company. For example, REG.Solutions, with which you can get a website in 24 hours with minimal investment. At the same time, the service specialists take on the technical maintenance of the website.

What is REG.Solutions

REG.Solutions is a subscription service. You fill out an application and provide content, and in 24 hours you receive a ready-made adaptive website with a set of tools necessary for business. Among them are acquiring, the possibility of installments, online registration, forms for collecting applications and much more .

Online store and online school Kizimov operates on the REG.Solutions platform
For a subscription starting at 1,500 per month (prices are current at the time of writing) with REG.Solutions you get full support for your online store.

What is the best way to promote an online store? It all depends on your niche, but of course, it is more effective to manage several sites at once. The best combination is a website + social networks. But the website should remain the basis, because it is an opportunity to declare yourself to a wide audience and not get lost among competitors. Moreover, creating your own online store is available even to small companies.

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