Suitable for horizontal brand

As Master-Brand To business and create brand awareness. An example of a hybrid brand architecture model Brand Architecture Spectrum Source: equus-designblogbrand-architecture-matters The Types of Brand Architecture Types of Brand Architecture Source: monle .wordpress trigger- -brand-architecture-and-brand-strategy Brand House is a company that has a wide range of products under one major brand. By paying more attention to the main brand than the secondary brand. or product brands For easier management such as BMW, Virgin, Microsoft, IBM. Sub-Brands are secondary brands or product brands under the main brand name.

To introduce new products

Which, if it is strong enough, can help support major Romania WhatsApp Number List brands to succe. But it is necessary to have a certain level of budget for brand advertising such as Iphone, IPAD. Endors-Brands or using the name of the main brand to endorse secondary brands or product brands which the use of the main brand name to endorse There will be connecting the dimensions of the main brands together by Endors-Brands. to the secondary brand than the main brand which requires a lot of advertising budget as well House of Brands is the company’s focus or importance on secondary brands.

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Use a more economical

Or various product brands, which are different AERO Leads from the Brand House by the House of Brands, which will be independent of each other in marketing. Requires a large budget to advertise brands and products such as P&G, Unilever. Level of Brand Architecture True corporate branding True Corporate Branding true corporate brand which is not link to any product Focus on core brands and spend a single branding budget. But there may be some product advertisements on occasion. Classifi as Brand House such as BMW, Virgin, Microsoft, IBM. strength When a company puts a brand name on a product brand will be able to create value and cribility and easy.

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