Manag to penetrate deeply into public debate (the Constitutional Convention was elect with strict parity rules, which ensur equal participation of men and women). Thus, it is not surprising that, for example, the campaign slogan of the candidate for mayor of Ñuñoa, Emilia Ríos, was center on « bringing feminism to the municipality ». Finally, a striking aspect of several of these successful applications is that they are young professionals, several of whom have graduat from the best universities in the country. On the one hand, these candidacies embody the emergence of the new Chilean middle class, mark by massive access to university. On the other hand, they have also allow the candidacies of the left.
Level A Phenomenon Already Observed
Traditionally attack in local spaces for their supposly poor management capacity, to show themselves as an alternative of administrative excellence, in cases of inefficiency, ineffectiveness or outright San Marino Email List corruption of the communal governments. What did those who vot for the coalition of the FA and the PC vote for? Specifically, one of the questions that has arisen after the electoral result is what is the identity of the FA that, contrary to prictions, was far from being absorb in the recent coalition with the PC. Apparently, the voters did perceive an identity of the FA, which instead of being dilut in the communist identity, was seen as complementary.
In Parliament It Is About The Arrival Of
It is a distinctly different identity from that of , which was politically more diffuse and defin in opposition to the traditional blocs. In this sense, the «new» FA has less political breadth, but more social Aero Leads depth. In addition, the signing of the agreement that began the constituent process has been inescapably associat with its brand. If the PC has taken on the challenger role that the FA us to have, it is now consolidating its critical position, of renewal from organiz society, clearly position on the left, but anchor in a republican sense of democracy and dialogue.