We might call it a luxury

A product launches. Launch a new business introducing new executives or social activities of the company. Business models are adapted to suit market conditions and competition. From what we have seen and are familiar with, mainly with business Business-to-Business (B B) and Business-to-Customer (B C) have evolved into something more complex like B B C . Even manufacturers have adapted their business to sell products. directly to consumers without having to go through any intermediary also known as Direct-to-Customer (D C) and this article will get to know the D C business . What is a D C business.

Production and on-demand

From doing business traditionally in the Security, Commodity Brokers Email List past where products were produced from factories that consisted of different processes that went through manufacturers (Supplier), manufacturing plants (Manufacturer), wholesalers (Wholesaler), dealers (Distributor) and retailer (Retailer) until reaching the customer, which takes time and the whole process is quite long and goes through many steps. Manufacturers have adapted themselves to dealing directly with customers. Eliminate intermediaries and make communication with customers more efficient. Comparison between Traditional Retailer and D C Direct-to-Customer (D C) is a business model in which manufacturers.

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The open sales method

Can deliver products directly to their customers AERO Leads a lot of intermediaries or processes like in the past. This is an adaptation of the manufacturer to play a role in dealing with customers even more. And it is the result of the digital world and social media that has changed this business model. But if we come to look closely, we still rarely see manufacturers playing in this type of business as we should. is because manufacturers tend to sell products in bulk (Bulk Sales), of course, that customers may not want a lot of products that much. Producers themselves have to adapt to a combination of mass.

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